Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The best thing about George Bush is we will have record voting rates in 2008! Sure, retired Marines are being called up for service, the US debt has grown in leaps and bounds, people can't afford to drive to work, and we will certainly be in war till 2007 at least, but I bet we will have record voting rates in 2008.
Blogger t- shirt. If you blog, especially about personal stuff, you need this shirt. And by need I mean NEEED!!! You know you blog so other people will read and therefore possibly, just possibly change their view or their behavior just one tiny tiny little bit. So don't be shy. Then when people ask you about your blog, you have a great chance to say its at ..... And if the other person is an idiot, they have now been legally warned that the details of their statements are going to be blogged. Its all good for you.